Excuse me! God has not stopped growing crops. He has not held water to impregnate the earth. Plants have not stopped making oxygen. Water has not stopped flowing down the hills. Our water reservoirs, oil fields haven’t dried up. Winds are still whistling. Mr. Money is not flinging out the earth. Then why this all hue and cry about losses, falling indexes, crippling economies, nation creeping and crawling to the death out of hunger. In fact, the core of infestation lies in sucking up the buying power of the dependents, Have nots or dispossessed by the Independents, those who Have and own. These Independents, the Haves and the owners are, in fact, the developed nations, states, landlords, proprietors, etc.

Developing nations have to pay debts, the subject has to pay taxes, the tenant must pay the rent. Just imagine if the developing nations have not to pay the develop nations, they will not have to resort to IMF or WHO in such emergencies. If grains produced in agrarian country like ours is the first right of the inhabitants of this land only, if production of land and water resource of poor countries is left to them to suffice their needs rather than being sold to the rich countries by some mafias or stolen away by colonizers; this COVID-19 crises would not have ditched the poor nations to darkness and disappointment of hunger before this virus could actually gulp them.

For three months if one has enough to eat, just waive off the debt-payments, fees, rents, stop making profits just for three months; let everybody cherish what earth has produced for them.

Just for three months, let developed nations not appropriate the national income of developing nations in debt servicing. Given this, and the world would emerge from this crises with the victorious’ smile then with indelible scars of a defeatist.

This is a high time for the leaders of developing nations to put the case forward on world forum. Let not us succumb to the benign face and hypocrite aims of IMF and WHO. ‘NOT MONEY, FORGO DEBT ’, is the formula that Have nots should plead for and the Haves should work on.

Economies are nothing more than big giants that have stopped moving their limbs to satisfy their rabid hunger. Otherwise earth has neither swallowed nor flung away its treasure.

Under the biggest bankruptcy threat, lies the giant markets of rich countries witnessing devaluation of what they have to sell. But the earth will not stop at least feeding its dwellers.

Written by 
Mutbassum Mushtaq


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