Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Listens
Knowledge Speaks but wisdom listens is a famous saying by Jimi Hendrix, a popular American musician. The goblet of human mind, when fell of Knowledge, starts spilling out. This knowledge, like beauty, yearns for stage to show its charm. When wonders of this universe knock the knots of mind open, the tongue divulges its secrets in the words dancing and tapping with rhythm of knowledge and awareness. Knowledge speaks. Words start their journey like drops condensed into snow, precipitated onto mountains, rushed down the valleys with a vehement passion but this passion is destined to fall into silent ocean of wisdom. Ocean gives way to all and sundry, spring and stream, river or rivulet. Likewise wisdom gives way to all the secrets but doesn't reveal its own to anyone. It devotes at the fruit of knowledge, sucks its fuice and its eyes radiate with satiety. Wisdom is never thoughtless to interrupt the gush ...