
Showing posts from April, 2020

Article : Nature, COVID-19 and I

Nature, COVID-19 and I Hushed streets, dwellings echoed by midnight barks, families falling together to kindle life spark, feeling value and warmth of the nearby relations, Nature is set free to play its fiddle and dance; are some rare fruits that humanity since centuries has missed in a rush to make way in a noisy world, broiling under competition and pride. I, a mother, have no other occupation than to attend my young ones. We have long moments of closeness, association uninterrupted by ceaseless routine calls to duty. Its they, I and time. That’s all.


A JOURNEY TO THE POST-COVID WORLD Excuse me! God has not stopped growing crops. He has not held water to impregnate the earth. Plants have not stopped making oxygen. Water has not stopped flowing down the hills. Our water reservoirs, oil fields haven’t dried up. Winds are still whistling. Mr. Money is not flinging out the earth. Then why this all hue and cry about losses, falling indexes, crippling economies, nation creeping and crawling to the death out of hunger. In fact, the core of infestation lies in sucking up the buying power of the dependents, Have nots or dispossessed by the Independents, those who Have and own. These Independents, the Haves and the owners are, in fact, the developed nations, states, landlords, proprietors, etc. Developing nations have to pay debts, the subject has to pay taxes, the tenant must pay the rent. Just imagine if the developing nations have not to pay the develop nations, they will not have to resort to IMF or WHO in such emergencies. If gra...